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Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY!

Writer's picture: ThomaisThomais

Updated: Dec 1, 2024

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

Given that the cost of living is unbearable for the average household, and with 'autoimmune' diseases striking relentlessly, it is urgent to grasp the power of direct goods purchasing from producers. There are many and extremely serious reasons why we must make this decision immediately!

Let's get straight to it.


1. Saving "serious" money for our household!

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

Let me explain with a few examples (in Greece)


  • €0.60 per kilo for chemical-free lemons from the producer, €1.20-€1.50 at the market.

  • €4 per kilo for chemical-free medium-sized beans from the producer, €7 at the market (€3.50+ for a half-kilo package).

  • €10 for chemical-free almonds from the producer, €18 at the market!!! (€3.60 for 200 grams).

  • Virgin quality olive oil, organic and from the same year (!!!) €10-€13 from the producer, €21-€22 at the market! And the list goes on… Meanwhile, the producer gets very little...


  Don't think that I'm "speaking" from a place of security! When I got stuck in Greece due to their lockdowns and genius measures (I would have still been in the Netherlands), I experienced absolute financial desaster! They banned us. musicians from workin, excluded us from the benefits without explaining why, so I had to literally calculate every penny untill I found my way to earn my icome only as a Holistic Therapist.

Thomais de Fois

  So, dear friends, rest assured that I understand your position as well as that of the producers. We all pay exorbitant amounts to the g@ngsters who govern us, providing us with nothing (!!). I understand your stress and the health problems it brings... And I hope I haven't overwhelmed you with these additional details.


2. Discounts & Personalized Agreements


  Producers usually offer discounts, for example, when purchasing a certain quantity or placing bulk orders, etc.

Additionally, when we establish a personal relationship with the producer, we have the opportunity to communicate our preferences, arrange deliveries, and address any other needs. We build relationships of trust.

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

  Not only can we save significant money, but we can also obtain higher quality products. By supporting farms and producers, we protect ourselves from large companies that promote health-damaging genetically modified and processed foods, insect consumption, chemical poisons for crops, antibiotics, and hormones for farmed animals. These companies kill pollinators, pollute our air, soil, and water, causing countless diseases in us, including cancer! Study my article, and let's turn this idea into a powerful movement to protect ourselves and the environment!


  1. Fresher and Higher Quality Products


  By excluding intermediaries, reducing the days of transportation, and eliminating the time needed for recording and sorting, the products that reach our homes are chosen by the producer to be fresh, maintaining a good relationship with buyers because this is all happening on a personal level. At the same time, WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE CONSUMING!! And importantly, we can find traditional products, not GMOs, which affect our DNA (I will write a specific article about this soon, stay tuned). I'm tired of seeing labels in the market saying "Product of the EU," "Packaged in Europe"... or not stating anything at all! We have no idea if the product was created in a nuclear reactor, on another planet... or in our imagination... but it’s approved by an X organization (which approves things like Round-up/Glyphosate for production), so it’s OK, not cancerous..!

(We can't deal with this without humour… we'll go crazy otherwise).

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

4. We avoid chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides, which end up in our bodies!


  As we saw earlier, the prices of organic products from producers are far lower than those of super market products! And as we have learned from my researches, autoimmune diseases, allergies, cancers, and many other conditions are caused by the use of chemicals in our daily lives!

Unfortunately, I recently saw a producer trying to pretend to be conscientious... claiming that if they stop using chemicals on plants a few days before harvesting, the crop would be safe. Well, let's inform him, with sadness (and anger), that he is gravely mistaken!!!! Plants absorb whatever we provide them, both through the roots that nourish them internally and through the above-ground parts, from which they breathe and absorb! I’m sorry  for their families...

  Since they have destroyed the pollinators, the soils, and the groundwater with these chemicals, you can understand the seriousness of the issue

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

5. Stability of the Supply Chain


In short, when we support the right producer, we enable them to withstand the miserable economic conditions we are experiencing, and we reduce the chances of food and goods shortages. This is something I understand the "big players" want to create artificially, so that only the companies in the lobby reap the profits..!

Unfortunately, we have witnessed such scenes... 

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

6. Boycott the Big Corporations


  When we see someone like B1ll G@tes, a computer guy, evolving into a WHO “manager”, investing in vaccine pharmaceutical companies, making billions in profits within 2 years because he made them mandatory (I won't comment further on this now...), and then selling those shares to invest 1 billion in land, pesticides, lab-grown meat, and genetically modified products owning the products patents, it's obvious he's doing it because he sees financial gain It's also obvious that the big corporations have the means and the lack of conscience to eliminate the small producer!! They even impose themselves on the politics of every country... what are we talking about?

However, if we boycott them en masse, we have some hope of escaping their danger...!

These are "people" who want absolute power! By controlling food, water, housing, and the economy, they achieve it easily.

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

Read this !!! Also, read the comments below the article.

If they manage to completely destroy the primary sector, we will end up eating the toxic "cockroaches" they are promoting worldwide!!!

Everything we need to know about carmine & chitin in our bodies, how to spot them in our foods & avoid them - Thomais de Fois

7.      Strengthening the Local Economy and Job Creation

 It's obvious... when the producer has the opportunity to be paid fairly by us for their goods, they can, in turn, pay the salaries of the people they need to hire. If 3-4 intermediaries are paid to distribute the products to the market, it results to expensive products for us, and minimal profit for the producer. How will they be able to hire people with decent wages.

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

  1. Reduced Emissions

  When goods are distributed directly from the producer to the consumer, intermediaries are bypassed, and thus the unnecessary transportation of products from producers to sorting points, warehouses, and other sorting points until they finally reach the stores is eliminated. This results in reduced air pollution.

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois

My move


  So. What I'm about to do, in order for all of us to be helped, is to research which producers in Greece DO NOT use chemicals in their production, this being absolutely proven, and to create here (on my website) a space where they will be permanently hosted, so you can find them after I personally try their products, their cooperation and behaviour towards buyers, their prices, and deliveries in quantities that can suit each household. Of course, I already have some very competent professionals for the meagre shopping I do at home.

I will be strict, as I will be personally guarantee, and I do not intend to make "discounts" on something like this.


  We have all heard of the scammers who exploit the needs of our fellow men, clearly we must also protect ourselves from them!! I learned this after a terrible experience I had with a producer from a Facebook group, with a large order of spoiled eggs, which I gave to my own people with a baby!! I describe it here.

Everuthing to know about eggs & how the industry tricks us- Thomais de Fois

Any reader-producer who believes they meet the criteria I mentioned above to join our effort, please contact me so we can discuss further.


*Your promotion will be featured in every article, as I write exclusively about health and nutrition, in a permanent rolling banner, in a separate section of my website's menu, and on the Organization's website as official partners. This will include photos, links, and your contact details. EVERYONE WILL HAVE EQUAL EXPOSURE, in order of registration date. (Not like some illegal entities that require bribes to promote producers on Facebook without protecting consumers...)

And of course, I absolutely support Barter Economy (exchanging goods or services, for goods or services), and I'll promote it as well!

Why we need to start buying our food Directly from producers-Farms, IMMEDIATELY! - Thomais de Fois
Thank you, Mrs. Helen, for providing your photos.

  For all the reasons I mentioned and to ensure that processes are conducted legally, I am establishing an organization to support Holistic Health, healthy collaboration, environmental protection, and the food chain, with various actions across different sectors. Stay tuned, and I will keep you informed.

*Some of you may already know about my mobilizations during disasters.

*I personally manage my website, and no one else has access to your data! These are my principles!


If your experience in the issues discussed in this article leads you to believe that I have significant omissions, please inform me with a message, and I will address them!


Given your interest in health, I highly recommend reading my research on all the factors that cause the so-called "autoimmune diseases," hormonal imbalances, numerous cancers, cardiovascular problems, allergies, skin diseases, and many more!

Autoimmune diseases, everything we need to know - causes & treatments - Thomais de Fois

Now, please, hold this:



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  For inquiries, general communication, or if you would like to address health issues with Natural - Holistic Therapy, feel free to contact me directly or complete the Medical History form (Free & Confidential). I will review it and inform you of the best course of action.

*I personally manage my website and forms. No one else has access to your data, and all therapy records are protected by Medical Confidentiality laws.

Watch the Presentation of my "Holistic Therapy" Method

Thank you very much for your visit and supportive messages! They give me the strength to continue opposing the dangerous industry that profits from our illness…

Loads of love,


Internationally Certified Holistic Therapist

Member of IPHM

Holistic Therapy & Arts - Thomais de Fois
Holistic Therapy & Arts - Thomais de Fois

My articles are for informational purposes, based on years of research and study.

You are free to share the full article, but not parts of it, and without referencing the source.

All rights reserved © Thomais de Fois 2024



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Thomais de Fois.

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