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What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!!

Writer's picture: ThomaisThomais

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Published on 22/9/2024

  For so many years, we have been spectators in a theatre of the absurd where disasters play the leading role, at every level!! From burnt Nature, to Health, Culture, Culture, Economy, Education, real Information...

In this article I focus on the destruction of Nature, and the effects it will have on our Food, Water, Health!!! I will be as little commentary as possible, quoting facts and figures, so that you can understand the situation for yourselves...and process - manage you think...

Be courageous...(you will need it).


I’ll start with the wildfires.

Greece has been ravaged by fire. We know it. As we know, there were no significant efforts to extinguish the fire. Reforestation is not happening anywhere on burned land; on the contrary, protected areas are being declassified, and the only things that have sprouted in burned areas are wind and solar farms... to save the planet (along with paper straws in plastic packaging).

I don't think I need to provide evidence for these; you can easily find them.

The permits for those parks were approved by the g0vernment months before the fires!

Τι Συμβαίνει στη Φύση μας??? Το μέλλον του Πλανήτη, του Νερού, της Τροφής, της Υγείας μας…!! - Thomais de Fois


The "green" investors are undoubtedly in luck because it would have cost many millions to build a road network to transport them and to cut and move the trees if our forests hadn't burned. Fortunate! (I hope you get the idea.)


However, I want us to understand that this issue is worldwide and has been for a long time! I saw from satellites as the centre section of Africa, which had stayed green, burnt for 2.5 months, leaving nothing behind. The Balkans are currently burning, Italy has burned. California, Canada, and Australia have all burned. Nothing remains standing this year in Latin America, the Amazon, etc. When the curly-haired, neurotic girl travelled the world on flights and cruises to "inform" us, even Siberia burned. Were those trips green expenses? I don't remember...


So. Here’s a first glimpse. I thought about zooming in on each area, but I think I won't darken your mood any further. It's easy to find where and how forests are burning.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Here we have an official example from California, where it criticizes the State's "let it burn" policy!!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


And despite the reactions from the fire department, citizens, etc., they continue this practice.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois



The lands that are burning are state-owned. In short... "we decide and we order"... Does that remind you of anything?

Let's move on.


The reason I contrast California with Greece's problem is that it is one of the most developed states in the world, a center for global decisions, see: WHO, FDA, etc., and it has not been adorned with the most corrupt parliament, as Greece has had the misfortune of experiencing... (still)!

Nevertheless, the Greek Parliament does NOT decide for the country. For absolutely nothing. I leave the best for last.


So, having established that for governments forests must disappear (they should be invested in, but not reforested), we continue with the first element we need to retain from this research.


What will the disappearance of forests cause to the overall temperature of the planet?


And for anyone who cannot think that the lack of forests causes an increase in temperature, drought and lack of rainfall, food instability, risk to drinking water and public health, I present the recent systemic study (which even they do not dispute), which clearly proves that forests, in addition to using carbon dioxide for their growth, essential for the existence of flora (plants), also stabilize the climate!!


And of course, let's not forget the floods that follow after the massive destruction of forests. We have, and will be experiencing them!!!

They accuse Carbon Dioxide of being harmful... They do not support the idea that it is as ESSENTIAL as Oxygen for all forms of life on the Planet!!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


So, why don't they protect them...?


One thing is for sure. Whether there was climate change or not, IT WILL HAPPEN!!


So, what do we take from the study of deforestation worldwide?


Increase in temperature, dryness, and drought, leading to a reduction in food production.


I won't mention now the devastating effects on living beings...!


Of course they know about the water shortage that will occur... and they are already organized!

W0rld Ec0n0mic F0rum, Dav0s Agend@ 2030: “The world (planet) is running out of water,” the title, published in 2021 (they started talking to us about water scarcity this year - mid-2024, and we experienced it... but they already knew...)

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


I’ll return to this. For now, ckeck when they started with the c1im@te ch@nge, how it evolved... and think...



"Carbon dioxide will change the atmosphere and food.", "Greenhouse effect... the ice is melting... sea levels are rising by 20 feet... 25% of the population must relocate to the mountains!!"

I can't... 45 years later, none of this has been observed.

Except... for this year's summer with increased - NOT UNPRECEDENTED - heat, and after so many burned forests!! The same goes for droughts.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Now that I see the R0ck@ffeler...I feel safer (not)...


In 2015, 196 countries of the United Nations signed an agreement in France to address the "climate crisis," which came into effect in 2016...


What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What does the Paris Agreement tell us? Starting from 2024, countries will have to report their actions with complete transparency (based on the guidelines/instructions given to them by global organizations), which will be stored on a global basis and evaluated, focusing on atmospheric pollutants (the fires do not count, they let them burn), by 2030. It also emphasizes the opportunity for related investments!! Does this remind you of anything...?

*The 2030 agenda is a global framework that encompasses many areas of our lives on the planet. My perception tells me that in 5 years we will be experiencing their dystopia...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


So what did the global overlords (whom no one elected) do to tackle the problems that ONLY they "identify"... and not independent scientists?? * There isn't even one study!!

After the forests were destroyed, without any protection – extinguishment – reforestation , they decided to plant wind turbines and solar panels.

Let's take a look at the good that wind turbines do for the planet, the climate, the temperature, the vegetation, and the economy..!


1. They are drying out the soil, both temporarily and long-term!! So nothing will ever grow back in this soil. Self-evident.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois



2. They destroy the microclimate, ecosystems, plants, animals, and trees.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


3.They raise the temperature!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois



4. They destroy Biomass (Research from China between 2000-2022!!!).


What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


So, what do we understand, then?

That soon WE WILL HAVE a change in the climate, due – and only – to the destruction of forests!!


Do you know how many birds (including endangered species) are killed by wind turbines each year?

1,700,000 in America (American Bird Conservancy, 2020) -   

The lifespan of wind turbines is 20 years (unless they are dismantled earlier due to damage).

The fins are made of fiberglass, are not recyclable, and do not decompose in the environment.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


So where will they end up, then..?

In "serious" countries... they bury them!! Permanent destruction of the soil!!! Neither a forest will ever grow there, nor will there be any cultivation, and just imagine the pollution.

After intense reactions, it is being discussed that they can only be used in the cement industry. One more kind of "green" solution… And not in Greece.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

In Greece, the situation is fresh.

The companies people pay with their electricity bills to install those monsters have never paid to cut down trees, as we saw above. Will they pay to recycle them...? Rhetorical question.


I believe it has already become clear in your mind why Greece has the "most expensive" electricity in Europe... Because only there was the order given for such extensive destruction... The P.Minister stated that Greece will become EU’s battery...


Let's see what's happening with the solar panels?


They are raising the temperature!! And they call the phenomenon "Photovoltaic Thermal Island."


Do we understand it now? This is how they will reduce the planet's temperature... or the opposite? I'm asking because I'm a bit silly and I get confused...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


The research that follows was conducted in 2020 and pertains to a study by engineers who proposed installing solar panels in the Sahara, which would cover global energy needs, increase rainfall, and thus enhance vegetation!

However, the results of the study were the opposite (precipitation and vegetation would not increase), but water evaporation on the planet would increase, especially at the frozen Poles (thus leading to drought), along with El Niño phenomena and cyclones in the Oceans!!!


So, it's a good idea to destroy fertile and arable land that helps reduce temperature... to cover it with solar panels... to escape the rise in temperature... while actually increasing the temperature... Doesn't that sound logical???

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


These countries, in the meantime, announce the events in the news... not like in Greece, where an entire mountain has been burning for a month without any attempt at firefighting... and no one knew anything... (yes, this is a recent example).


Here we see them clearly stating that Solar Energy (photovoltaics) can lead to Climate Change (and in parentheses "a little"... How ridiculous!!!)

Published 8 years ago!!


Honestly, I am disgusted by the landowners who didn't allow their fields to be cultivated but instead gave them for solar panels, because the "investors" (we pay for them through our electricity bills!!) They were given an additional €100 per hectare per year.


What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Did we understand the climate nonsense and what are we doing to avoid overheating...? I wish we have!!


You might wonder why they need such a climate disaster to occur. This answer is easy. To implement the complete digitization of everything, the total control over everything, in movements, health, our biology, food, water, in everything!! I will lay them out for you below from their official sources.


And why do they want such absolute control…??? To move on to the 4th lndustri@I Rev0lution!!

To our health, and bon appétit! (In discussions... I only perceived denial... unfortunately...)

Technology is good and useful, but now we are talking about something different.


So. They have established a Global Center for the 4th Industrial Revolution.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Are you wondering who the proponents of this theater of the absurd are? They are the classics. W.Ec.F0rum, IMF, W0rId. He@lth Org., W0rId B@nk, and every global organization that no one has elected... as far as I remember...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Are you wondering who the proponents of this theater of the absurd are? They are the classics. W.Ec.F0rum, IMF, W0rId. He@lth Org., W0rId B@nk, and every global organization that no one has elected... as far as I remember...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

And how will they enforce it..? With Smart Cities, 15-minute cities, the digitization of EVERYTHING (water meters and privatization, etc.), high surveillance and cameras everywhere (this is already happening in China, England, it's coming to Greece, and everywhere), biometric data, digital identities containing all our information (debts, expenses, what food we buy, bills, medical data, passes, etc.), a citizen rating system with penalties for non-compliance, climate lockdowns, and honestly, I'm just laying this out for you because I can't bear to rack my brain anymore and stress over these things…!!!

*It goes without saying that for all of this to be implemented, the 5G network is necessary, and it is already installed over a large area (not for this article).


2022. When they stated that their virus is the only "window" they have to implement a global agenda. One gl0b@l g0νernance...!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

For the sake of our environment and our safety (I'm sure they care about us... that's why they don't punish criminals).

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

They represent 200,000 cities, governments, companies, and NGOs, for governance, ensuring transparency, and they want to assure us that our personal data will be handled securely...! I sleep peacefully now...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

"Internet of Things" - A system for connecting devices to analyze data in real-time in urban environments. They add that there is no regulatory framework for how our data will be used (and there won't be one!!!!!). Nevertheless, they are implementing it!! Classically, for our own good...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

The Gl0bal Leaders, I established the Alliance in 2019, based in Japan. In 2019…!!the window I mentioned).

Do you expect that the pol.parties make decisions on their own...? And then people argue about the parties!!! This only serves our division, weakening us globally... And no one reacts!!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


I have also created a Global Alliance of Smart Cities...!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

They, again…

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois



And of course, 15-minute cities ON FOOT (the climate l0ckd@wns mentioned…). It is CLEARLY stated that it is applied for the cIimate n0nsense... and not for our convenience.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Again, the P@ris Agreement for the cIim@te change…

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

And of course, the goal of the smart pris0ns... uh... cities is the 4th Industrial Revolution.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


I don't know if the towering monstrosity they're building in Hellinikon, Greece serves the urbanization they're talking about... but the fifteen-minute city starts there...!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

If they wanted to save the planet, the climate, and our health, they would direct us towards organic farming and natural foods, encourage us to decentralize, and plant forests!!! That's all I have to say!! No to little robots and concrete cages!!!


I am returning to the issues of water, food, and our health.


As long as the citizens of the planet have access to water, food, energy, housing, and their basic needs are met, they create and are not dependent on them.

However, when you are cut off from basic goods, you become dependent on them and they control you. Super easily!! (We saw the beneficiaries... unfortunately...).

So, in order not to have such freedoms, since we have destroyed the forests, what should we blame...? Agriculture and Animal Farming.

I'm not referring to something you don't already know, because we are experiencing it. But, it's just the beginning now.


Hold the fact that without water, we cannot survive!


So why do they blame Agriculture and livestock farming for?

For being responsible for the waste of water (which they have already ensured there is a shortage of with the destruction of forests)… and for the fact that… cows fart… (another absurdity!!!)


Admire them..!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Their plans until 2030 (I’ll mention again that agenda). World B@nk Gr0up

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Regarding the privatization of water, I assume you are aware of it, so I won't dwell on that. In America, huge battles have been fought for free access to lakes, rivers, etc., for many years now. They conducted the first experiment... it starts now in Greece!


Now, if you’re not sitting down, please sit, and take a glass of water up close… may it be unnecessary… (as long as we still have it).


So what did the Global sweethearts do to solve the problem of water scarcity (that they created)?


50L Homes.

You read that right. 50 liters of water per person.

You don't even water the flower pots... let alone tomatoes and lettuce...


What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

So, they created an organization that deals exclusively with the 50L of water for each person. To protect us...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


And the sponsors

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

For anyone who doesn't know, the "mastermind" behind all this, in my opinion, g@ng is the author of The Gre@t Res3t (the blue book with which the puppets... uh, I mean the rulers are photographed to prove their obedience), with the main editor being the m@ster g@ngster of the Forum, K. Svv@b. Anyone who wants to read it can find it on Amazon.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

So these le@ders had a week…for Gl.Water

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

This week, quite coincidentally, focused on the areas that were recently burned... due to the tactic of “let it burn”. Those that I showed you earlier.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Now let's see how my favorite psycho... uh... the one who cares about our health, will contribute to the "solution" of the water scarcity problem (that they create), and how he has transformed from a computer whiz into a health guru, now investing billions in cultivatable land. I will show you what he’s going to grow, shortly.

Why am I giving him the medal of the chief commander of our health...?

Because he and Germany are WHO’s wallet!!

Dates since the "troubles" began...Here  -


What did he do..?

Drinkable t0ilet water!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

If you haven't already been disgusted... read it here. -


Surely, filtering wastewater is good for the fabric of the city...! THIS WATER, HOWEVER, DOES NOT HAVE THE HEALING PROPERTIES OF NATURE!!! In short.


Alongside the water... the sweethearts have also prophesied a food shortage. Did you think they’re more stupid than me?


How we will produce protein is their problem... obviously, the news that our body creates protein where it needs it from the amino acids of plants... didn't make it to their television...!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


We do not allow you to plant and raise farting cows... you will eat what we give you, as we have proven that we care about your health... To save the planet... by destroying it, along with you...

Did we understand why they are "attacking" the producers? We did.

But it doesn't end here... We will also have punishment. "Sin Tax" for meat-eaters!!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Now. What are we going to eat ?


1. Billy’s GMOs.

He has been producing them since he sold his shares in the vax companies (after making some billions) and invested in vast cultivatable lands.

Soybeans, corn, cotton, rice, potatoes, carrots. All the modified ones..!! Oh my... the kid is supported by big companies like M0nsant0 (cancer-causing pesticides & GMOs)!!! Of course he cares about our health!!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Not eating McDonald's again is the least you can do for your health, because, as I have already analyzed in this study of mine, all autoimmune conditions primarily arise from chemicals!!!

everything about autoimmune diseases - causes and cure - Thomais de Fois

2.   Lab-grown meat!!

Already at the restaurants. I would like to inform you that they are already present in processed foods!

...Do you trust them...?

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Who sponsor... Classic. W0rld B@nk amongst them...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

The care about the ethical part of NATURAL FARMING…

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Since, these atrocities are allowed and will be imposed on us...Billy got his licenses…

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Look at the logo...!!! A bug biting-holding the Gl0be!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois



…to solve, they say, the problems of global health and development..!

I have already informed about the health problems CAUSED by this “development” with the cockroaches....!!! Read my study!!

έντομα στα τρόφιμα - πως να τα διακρίνουμε - Thomais de Fois

Let's go see the culmination of Vasilakis's actions to save the Overheating (that they cause), the Health (that they destroy), the food (that they poison), the water (that they dry up)…???


To hide the sun!!!

To be sure that the plants will not survive (photosynthesis).

And since we won't have enough oxygen due to the lack of forests... let's also destroy the oxygen produced by the ocean’s vegetation that photosynthesize!!!

I would like to mention the deficiency of vitamin D that a person will acquire, which is related to all the so-called... autoimmune diseases”…?

τα πάντα για τα αυτοάνοσα - αίτια και θεραπείες - Thomais de Fois

Sign up, because I will soon publish my study on vitamin D, including the Dr salesmen of the synthetic-toxic vitamin D preparations of the f@rmac0industry...!


Therefore, the Billy the commander funds Harvard for an Stratosphere spraying experiment, to reduce the temperature (which he raises).

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois



Snowppiercer…cince ClA controls…

 Did you say 'conspiracy'..?" Read! From the most ridiculous systemic source... Wikipedia, which suits you ;)

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


In 2006, it funded the University of Chicago for Solar Geoengineering!! In 2016!!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois



In 2020, they got permission and conducted the same experiment over Sweden! They were so sure that all these experiments were harmless (what, does life not survive without the sun...?), that it seemed strange to them that they had to get permission from Sweden...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


And of course, there have been scientific reactions to the actions of this psychopath... uh...Billy!!

They are trying it and need participation.

*Participation is low because people are not informed... they watch television instead... unfortunately!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Only 5 countries have exercised veto power over those disasters...!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Let's go back to Greece now, and why I mentioned earlier that it has long been a "guinea pig"?

Because, apart from battery of Europe, I have known since I was in America that it is going to be the largest Data Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Southeastern Europe.


300 million dollars investment...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

…and Greeks keep paying millions for the banks’ recapitalizations…!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Did you think we were done with little Billy – computer geek –populations reducer –vaccines expert– farmer – lab breeder – cockroach breeder – sunscreen …?


Okay. A billion has been invested since 2020 in Spata for 3 Data Centres, and the Greek bureaucracy has delayed it as well (they wouldn't have agreed with the br1bes...).

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Billy’s company has been operating in Greece since 1992....but he needs the optical fibres...(not ready yet).

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Did they Paeania, Koropi, and Spata...? I don't remember... :P


I wrote earlier that I’ll leave the best for our little Greece... our former Democratic Homeland, for the end.


And with this, I really want you to stop arguing about parties and politicians... because since the implementation of the Memorandums, the orders of the IMF, the EU, the Global Agreements, etc., take precedence over its Constitution, and its revenues go MANDATORILY to the repayment of the (artificial) debt.

Indeed... All countries are supposedly in debt, thus enslaved to these “Globals”. To whom do they owe it, will we ever find out..? Rhetorical.


So, Greece since 2018 (with the third memorandum) has taken on a commercial nature, resembling a company based in New York... Research for your counties, I have the link below.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


So I hope now we know who rule…

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


To summarize and wrap things up.

What are they creating?


A planet with extremely high temperatures, no Nature, without Water, without natural-clean-pure Food, without Oxygen, with high biometric Surveillance everywhere, Urbanization, and deprivation of all Freedom.





Only robots and lizards can survive under these conditions... and the lizards only because they will be fed breeded cockroaches and worms!!! I don't see us lasting... Us who don't belong to their Elite...


Now I want to clarify a bit for you regarding the somewhat half-baked ideas circulating about the weather, frequencies, chemtrails... HAARP... those who call a conspiracy theory everything that their t.v. will never show ...


Initially, HAARP is a facility located in Alaska. It belonged to the American Civil. Air Force and was transferred to the University of Alaska to continue its activities where high frequencies are transmitted into the study it.

Are they affecting her too...? Us...? Nature...?

Whoever knows, please respond thoroughly in the comments below (don't write to me on Facebook, I'm fed up with that too!!).

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Details on their official website -


We have EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association): EISCAT is located in northern Norway and Sweden and operates radar systems for the study of the ionosphere and the Earth's atmosphere. It conducts similar research to HAARP, but focuses on different areas of the ionosphere. (as they state)

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


We have the "Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility" in Russia, which was created before America's HAARP. Interesting...? They certainly don't heat the Ionosphere with farting cows... but with High-Frequency Radio Waves!!! NEITHER DO THEY COOL THE PLANET!!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Τι Συμβαίνει στη Φύση μας??? Το μέλλον του Πλανήτη, του Νερού, της Τροφής, της Υγείας μας…!! - Thomais de Fois



Of course, I wasn't the only one worried about whether sending High Frequency Radio Waves to the ionosphere is harmful...!

Here we see the scientific community reacting to Russia's endeavor in collaboration with China.


What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Lastly, we have the installation of ionospheric heating in Tromsø, Norway, operating similarly to that of Russia!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


However, what directly influences and modifies weather phenomena are the WMA (Weather Modification Association) member companies which implement Cloud Seeding.

They explain What Cloud Seeding is below?

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


What do they tell us? That they have been successfully operating for 60 years in weather modification, shaping levels of rain, fog, snow, and hail, and are capable of changing them by 5-75%... at will... either increasing or decreasing!! They are launched either from the ground... or from aircraft...

Some still cannot distinguish the Chemtrails from the Contrails...?


So what are they SPRAYING in the clouds then? Iodized Silver.

Hold on to this. They present it as environmentally safe...

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

As a professional (and researcher) in Health, I would like to inform them that silver iodide is toxic to our drinking water, to terrestrial beings, to marine life, to plants, to flora – algae – plankton in the sea water, and of course, to humans!!!


Official data from 2016.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois



And here is the Medical Study of 2024, on toxicity in humans.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


And the G0verments talk about it since 1979…

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


Now that we learned why and what they are spraying on us... let's also see where they are located, according to another official organization of theirs, the "North American Weather Modification Council."

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

And here’s where they operate…?

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Of course they spray with silver iodide, with their modified aircrafts.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

Let's see Greece too...

In short, small Greece has the largest Weather Modification company in the world, collaborates with the United States, operates on a large European scale, is a member of the Weather Modification Association, based in Thessaloniki, and has been active since 1976, clearly using Iodide Silver in specially designed aircraft to create rain or drought, snow, hail... (they had hail destroying crops in August...!!) I won't comment further... just take a look at it.

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois


So… in the massive flood in Thessaly in 2023 that followed the major wildfires in Evros, Rhodes, Euboea, etc., indeed Mr. Dimitris Skevastianos, Director of 3DSA… could not bear the events… and sent a letter to the Ministry… In an interview, he stated:


"I offered my company at the disposal of the state in order to prevent fires and storms."

"I was not heard."


"My company, which monitors the movement of phenomena in real-time with two proprietary radars, could mitigate or even eliminate the intensity of the phenomenon."In the same way that Russia and China managed to induce mild rainfall before the start of the Olympic Games during two different Olympics, causing the phenomenon to dissipate.

Thus, the uninterrupted conduct of the Games in the two countries would follow...

Out of the 8 radars that the Hellenic National Meteorological Service has, only two are operational. The same number is available to my company, 3D, with which we monitor the clouds and the phenomena they cause live 24/7. "Yes, we could weaken the expected storm Daniel..."


I have the entire file of his letters to the Greek. A state that we still pay for (like fools), to allow them to intervene by causing rainfall to extinguish the fires, and to disperse the rainfall during the floods, along with all their responses!!

What were their answers...?

Rejection without justification!!!


It also refers to the direct collaboration of 3DSA with the Producers and with ELGA. It’s in Greek.

WAS THERE ANY COMPLAINT…??? Nor will there be in the most corrupt country...

"Expected storm Daniel..."

I don't know if they will completely destroy the planet... if I will be able to find the herbs I use in my treatments... I don't know if there will be nuclear fallout... What I know is that there is a huge seed vault in Norway, where traditional seeds are stored (the hybrids and GMOs that the feed us, promote, and impose do not reproduce) from every country... to ensure food security after a global catastrophe...!!

What is happening to our Nature??? The future of our Planet, Water, Food, Health..!! - Thomais de Fois

It's worth studying, it also has photographic material. - 


I have one more question...

Why do the Police and the Army continue to protect them... For a salary...?

I'm ashamed...!!


And I won't elaborate further.

I end up as I started.

Conclude, process, and manage the information I provide with this study... as each of you sees fit...


Something personal, if I may...

As an artist, as a Holistic Therapist, and as a health researcher and writer, I often face "their fire", skillfully and in various ways... especially after the devastation I experienced as an artist, when I was trapped in Greece with their virus, with a work ban and zero compensation for a year... depression... panic attacks... My hair turned white in just one year... Nevertheless, my conscience wouldn't allow me not to share this information with you!! At any cost!!

ολιστική θεραπεία και τέχνες - Thomais de Fois

I would prefer not to be involved... to heal people... to create music and hold concerts... to recharge from nature and from wise people with knowledge, perception, and research... But one by one, they are all disappearing...!!

I wanted to finish it so that the stress of writing something that puts me in the spotlight would go away... and to let you know what they are doing...!! And what will they achieve if we don't stop them...!!


My sincere respects to all of you who are seriously engaged and have studied my research!

Share it freely. Just be careful, don't spam Facebook with mass postings in groups, etc. It had blocked my page for a year when I uploaded my study on insectivory and the health problems it causes, and it had 38,000 readers in 3 days!

If you just post it on your profiles, In messages, and emails, that's safe..


Censorship is starting to become suffocating, you should know... I will see how I will proceed with my articles and updates. Sign up to stay informed!

This is also the reason why I keep photographic evidence, because I don't know when they will "take down" the sources!


I will be happy to share our thoughts and the information we find!

I will not engage with stupid opinions (allow me the expression), without solid arguments, from polarized and fanatical individuals. My time is precious, and I dedicate it to doing good.


Anyone who wishes to contribute to research and articles about our health can do so safely through PayPal.

*I don't host ads for income... to not annoy you! For as long as I can.

The proceeds from you will be directly allocated to the organization we are establishing for the promotion of Holistic Health & Nature... which is being systematically destroyed..!

συμβάλλετε στην προσπάθεια για την υγεία και τον πλανήτη -

If you need help with health issues, please do not hesitate to contact me directly, and if there is an emergency, fill out the Medical History and Health Status form directly so that I can review it and get back to you as soon as possible!

It comes directly to me, I am the only one processing your data, no one else has access to it, and it is protected by Medical Privacy Legislation.

*Limited availability.

ιατρικό ιστορικό - Thomais de Fois
ιατρικό ιστορικό - Thomais de Fois
ιατρικό ιστορικό - Thomais de Fois

Thank you very much for  visiting and for your supportive messages! They give me the strength to continue opposing the dangerous industry that profits from our illnesses…

Loads of love,


Internationally Accredited Holistic Therapist,

Member of IPHM


This article is for informational purposes and is based on extensive research and studies.

You may republish the article in its entirety, but not in part, and without citing the source.

All rights reserved © Thomais de Fois 2024

Holistic Therapy & Arts - Thomais de Fois



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Thomais de Fois.

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