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My Delicious, Healing, Spicy, Probiotic, MUSTARD !! Recipe & Properties

Writer's picture: ThomaisThomais

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Did you know how Healthy, Nutritional, Versatile & Therapeutic Mustard is?

Here is everything about Mustard Seeds, Mustard Greens, and my delicious, Probiotic Mustard Recipe!

Let’s start with the Mustard Seeds' Nutritional and Therapeutic Value

  • Mustard seeds are rich in minerals, such as:

Copper, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Manganese, and Selenium.

  • Mustard seeds are rich in Vitamins, such as:

Vitamins C and K, Thiamine, Riboflavin, vitamin B6, and Folic Acid.

  • They contain a high percentage of dietary fibre, proteins, and bioactive compounds such as antioxidants, glucosinolates (compounds that contain sulphur), isothiocyanates, sinigrin, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  • Sinigrin is what gives the mustard seeds their anti-cancer, and extensive antimicrobial - antibacterial properties, as when they are digested, they break down and form allyl isothiocyanate (AITC).

  • AITC also fight against the enzyme inhibitors, compounds that block proper digestion.

  • Mustard seeds lower blood sugar and help with Diabetes Type 2.

With all their beneficial properties for our health, why not try to include mustard seeds in our diet, making at home a safe, delicious and probiotic Mustard, that will boost our immune system!!

Straight to the recipe.

These ingredients will give you about 300ml of mustard. Feel free to multiply the quantities according to your needs. It will be safely stored in the fridge for months.

1. We start with 3 Table Spoons (T.S.) organic yellow mustard seeds. You can replace them with brown ones, for a spicier result.

We put them in our blender, where they will stay with the rest of our ingredients, to absorb liquids, swollen up and become softer, ready to be blended.

2. Add one teaspoon (t.s.) organic turmeric powder, or one piece of fresh root.

3. One t.s. organic, ginger powder, or one piece of fresh root.

4. Seven T.S. organic, extra virgin Olive Oil.

5. Three T.S. vinegar (red or white).

6. Half a t.s. black pepper corns.

7. One T.S. organic honey. You can substitute with stevia, molasses, brown or white sugar. I prefer honey for its health benefits and high enzymatic content.

8. One t.s. natural, unrefined salt. I prefer pink, mineral, Himalayan salt for its iron content, or natural sea salt.

Common table salt is not proper for a fermentation process. Here I explain why.

9. 100 ml filtered water. Tap water is chlorinated, may contain unwanted bacteria and other harmful compounds, so it’s not proper for our fermentation. (Here I also explain why).

10. The last important ingredient, which will make our mustard probiotic by fermenting it is some liquid that we saved in our fridge from a previous fermentation we made, such as my hot sauce, or some kombucha tea, or rejuvelac. They all contain probiotic bacteria. Subscribe, I’ll write about each soon. A couple of T.S. would kickstart the process.

*If you are not interested in fermenting your mustard, you can just skip this step. It will still taste great!

Now give your mixture a stir, and forget it till the next day. 8 – 12 hours of soaking will be enough, but it’s OK to let it soak for up to 24 hours.

After letting your mixture sit for enough hours, you can pulse it for a few minutes.

At this step you can control the consistency of your mustard, and pulse it enough to have a smooth-silken paste, or less, for a coarser one.

Then try it for its thickness and taste.

The quantities I gave you will give you a thick enough result, with a mild kick of spice. You can add more water, lemon, vinegar, oil, or salt, spices & herbs like cumin, curry, thyme, oregano, chilli, anything you like, after tasting it, to improve the flavour and consistency, according to your liking.

The final step is to sterilise one or more glass containers and pour your mustard in them.

  • If you are fermenting it, let them sit in room temperature for 3-4 days. The fermentation bacteria will develop, the taste and aromas will improve, and you will have a natural preservative that will keep your mustard safe for months in the fridge. Remember to not close the lid tightly, so that the carbon dioxide produced by the fermentation can escape, for as long as your mustard is out of the refrigerator.

  • If you skip the fermentation step, just close the containers, and store them immediately in the fridge. They will last for weeks. The mustards acidity and spiciness protect it from unwanted bacteria.


Not only you made a super food, full of immune boosting ingredients, but you’ll also avoid the “poisonous” additives, preservatives, and insect extracts, that the industry puts in almost every ready-made, processed food!!

It’s the article because of which facebook “attacked” me…!


1. You can add some virgin olive oil on top of your mustard when storing it. It will prevent it from drying, and protect it more from unwanted microorganisms.

2. When you have cold, or flu symptoms, open your container and smell your mustard, inhaling deeply a few times! It helps a lot. Eating it (raw), also helps with these symptoms.

3. Mustard seed oil has many health benefits. It’s good to relief pain, helps with hair growth, protects skin, and more. To make it, crush 1 part of mustards seeds, and put them in a glass container with 3 parts of virgin olive oil, and let it sit in a dark, cool place for 3-4 weeks. Then it’s ready to use.

*Before using it, perform a patch test. Your skin might be sensitive to it.

4. Your mustard will be the greatest ingredient for a homemade mayonnaise!! Stay connected for the recipe I’ll post soon.

And, since we use fresh eggs to make it, please, make sure to read my article with everything about eggs, and how to validate their quality….as egg industry deceives us too..!

5. Before making your mustard, keep a few seeds!

You can soak them in a wet kitchen paper, and in 3-4 days they will germinate!

Make sure to keep them moist until they germinate.

Then you can plant them in pots filled with organic soil, and soon enjoy a delicious ingredient, which you can use in your salads, soups, and other dishes!!!

They grow easily, even in difficult conditions, like a balcony in the city.

Mustard greens are highly nutritious!! Let’s have a look at their nutritional value :)

That’s all about my magical mustard :)

Let me know how you liked it when you make it, and if you added any more herbs or spices!

With my articles, I hope I will help you make the best choices for you and your beloved ones!

In case you need more directions, or have any questions, feel free to contact me directly, or leave your comment below. I'm always happy to help!!

*my site is used and directed only by me. No one has access to your email, and no one collects visitor information from me. These are my principles!

Of course, Facebook does not allow us to post directly from my site (they care a lot about our health – not), but you can share my article with this link - PDF file, or the YouTube Spot

You can take a trip to my blog, you’ll find more articles about our health, what to avoid, safe cosmetics and skincare, and more.

And remember, to always create with love! Everything is charged by our energy...and love is the best therapy...!

Thank you all for your support, and your most amazing encouraging messages!!!!

I’m so touched!!

Loads of love,

Thomais de Fois

And now a relaxing summer song of mine...for inspiration :)

The article has an informative purpose, and results from long-term research and studies.

You may republish the entire article, not part of it, and without crediting the source.

All rights reserved © Thomais de Fois 2023

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