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Everything about the Toxic Cookware & containers they sell us & the Safe Alternatives to replace them!!

Writer's picture: ThomaisThomais

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

Have you ever thought that a simple task like cooking in a pot can cause allergic issues, diseases and even cancers? I did my research, and I wrote this article to inform you about every toxic utensil we use daily, and, all the available alternatives we have to easily replace them.

I wanted to leave this question for the end of the article...but I'll start with that...!


We know...

B1g Ph@rm@ makes m0ney from our sickness..!

Straight to our subject.

Let's start with the classic non-stick pans, that are the most widely used cookware nowadays.

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

Most non-stick pans and pots are made from aluminium, and they're coated with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, PFAS, PTFE and PFOS ). Teflon. Studies show that it has been linked to health problems including cancer, thyroid disease, reduced fertility, can affect growth and development, reproduction, and injure the liver.

Higher levels of PFOA in a person's body were associated with higher cholesterol, reduced immune response, and increased kidney and testicular cancer.

When Teflon-coated cookware is heated to high temperatures (above 500°F/260°C), the PTFE can break down and release toxic fumes. These fumes can cause flu-like symptoms in humans, and can be lethal to pet birds, such as parrots and canaries.

These chemicals are non-degradable (they're called "forever chemicals").


Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

They contaminate water and water organisms.

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

Since they don't break down, they stay in our bloodstream forever...

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): Read it here

Exposure to the aluminium that utensils are made of is poisonous, and has great health impacts!

For example: muscle weakness, bone pain, multiple non-healing fractures, acute or subacute alteration in mental status, premature osteoporosis, osteomalacia, disruption or inhibition of enzymes activities, changing protein synthesis, nucleic acid function, and cell membrane permeability, preventing DNA repair, altering the stability of DNA organization, inhibition of the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity, increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, inducing oxidative stress, decreasing activity of antioxidant enzymes, altering cellular iron homeostasis, and changing NF-kB, p53, and JNK pathway leading to apoptosis. Aluminium poisoning can affect blood content, musculoskeletal system, kidney, liver, and respiratory and nervous system. It can cause confusion, seizures, speech problems, dementia, slow growth in children, lung-stomach-bowel problems, nervous system issues, that cause movement problems, brain disease/disorders, anaemia....

Aluminium poisoning occurs, especially when the (toxic) coating of our utensils is scraped off, like the one I have here.

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

By the way, I collected them to send to recycle. Won't even donate them!

I'll continue with the"safer"stone coated, or granite coated, or marble coated non-stick cookware.

It is important to note that there is no universal standard for what qualifies as a "safe" or "non-toxic" coating. The safety of a specific stone coating will depend on the materials and chemicals used, as well as how it is manufactured and applied to the aluminium surface. These are mostly varnishes.

Here we see that we have to do research about each product, to find out what the stone coating is made of, as they usually contain PTFE (like Teflon), and chemical lacquer.

They can also contain toxic Lead.

Then we have the stainless steel cookware.

Stainless steel is a man-made metal alloy, that contains iron, carbon, chromium, nickel. Other alloys can also include aluminium, molybdenum, manganese, lead, silicon and sulphur.

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

While it's considered safer than the previously mentioned cookware, and it will not corrode-rust, when stainless steel is heated, scratched, or when it comes into contact with acidic foods, harmful particles such as nickel, iron, molybdenum, lead and chromium will be released into the food.

Many people who are allergic to nickel will experience allergic reactions.

Lead is poisonous to the brain and nervous system, even in small amounts. There really is no safe level of lead in the blood.(read here - Harvard)

Stainless steel can still corrode or react with acidic foods (e.g. tomato sauce).

When metals such as chromium, nickel, and molybdenum are released into food, people will experience allergic reactions, and other adverse health effects, if they are exposed to these metals in high doses or over a prolonged period of time (e.g. daily cooking).

Additionally, poorly made or low-quality stainless steel utensils may contain higher levels of these metals or other impurities, which can increase the risk of contamination.

Oral doses of nickel and chromium are responsible for cutaneous adverse reactions such as eczema, and systemic dermatitis!!

Next we have the cast iron cookware.

These are made of iron and carbon.

Photo from the internet

The controversy here is that they should be seasoned properly, which is not an easy task for everyone... otherwise, they will release iron particles, they will absorb water, which will eventually cause corrosion-rust, turning them to highly toxic.

Seasoning cast iron cookware is tricky. The iron has to be repeatedly covered in oil and heated in specific temperatures, in order to create a polymerised oil coating, which makes them non-stick, and protects them.

But, with use, chips from the coating and the iron underneath will leak in our food.

Now, are polymerised oils that safe?

Unfortunately NOT! Repeatedly heated oil can cause damage to human cells, free radicals formation, and oxidative stress!!

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

Iron is a strong pro-oxidant, and creates free radicals. Too much iron can cause a wide variety of conditions, since our liver is not able to process it and it builds up. Some of them are Haemochromatosis, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and colorectal cancer...

Do some more research if you're interested.

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

Read it here

The next material that we widely use to treat our food is plastic.

I'm sure most of us are aware of the toxic and cancerogenic nature of plastic, especially when it's heated or refrigerated and friezed, when microplastics are released in our food, to the environment and water!

Conditions developed by the use of plastic to store or heat food are: metabolic disorders, developmental problems, obesity, reduced fertility, liver and thyroid disease, high cholesterol, CANCER.

Photo from the internet

Bisphenol A (BPA). A chemical that can mimic oestrogen in the body, and has been linked to obesity, reproductive issues, and cancer.

Phthalates, a group of chemicals that are used to make plastic more flexible, are linked to developmental problems in children, as well as reproductive issues and cancer. Phthalates are oestrogenic compounds that can disrupt endocrine function and reproductive systems.

Plastic utensils and products are made from a cocktail of substances such as pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). All of which have toxicity levels that will have a long term impact on our health.

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) cause neurotoxic effects altering the function of the thyroid hormone.

Acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS), polypropylene (PP), melamine, polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), styrene–acrylonitrile (SAN), benzaldehyde, acrolein, n-alkanals (acetaldehyde to n-nonanal), acetophenone, 2-phenylisopropanol, methylstyrene, ethylbenzene, toluene, cumene, 2-methyl-1-propene, and a mixture of other unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, and Styrene break down, and are release into our foods when plastic containers are exposed to high temperatures, used in the microwave or dish-washer, and in the refrigerator-freezer.

The issues of toxicity were widespread, and toxicity was found in nearly all the plastic products tested.

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

The last, but not least material, which, unfortunately, is considered safe, is Silicon...

Very easy to use in baking, mixing, cooking and also toxic!!

"Migration of chemicals into food: Studies have found chemicals in silicone products passing from storage containers, cookware and nursing teats (3,5).

Migration of chemicals into air: When silicone products are exposed to high temperatures (think baking), the chemicals in the product can be released into the air (2). The released particles tend to persist in the air and pose a health hazard to the lungs (2). " Read it here

"Siloxanes, the building blocks for silicone products, have endocrine disrupting properties, and reproductive effects have caused concern about the possible effects of the siloxanes on humans and the environment." Read the paper here

"Siloxanes differ in particle size, molecular weight, shape and chemical groups. As a result, this determines the different physico-chemical properties, that directly affect the safety or the risk of their use." Read the paper here


Finally... I've got a surprise for you...and it's not going to be pleasant...

Baking paper. Dioxins!!!

I've been using baking paper to avoid all the toxics mentioned in this article, but doing my research, I was disappointed.

Bleached (white) parchment paper contains dioxins, that never leave our bodies... And when we say "bleached" we refer to chlorinated paper pulp.

"Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer." Read it here - World Health Organisation

"Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls during cooking"

Everything you need to know about the toxic cookware and food storage containers they sell us & the safe alternatives we can use. Thomais de Fois

Besides, some kinds of parchment papers have a non-stick heat-resistant silicon coating, and we already analysed toxic silicon in kitchenware.

Photo from the internet

I guess I covered everything about the toxic kitchenware we use daily.

My next article is about all the healthy and non-expensive cookware alternatives we have, in order to protect ourselves from... the companies that make billions from our sickness...!

Subscribe to be notified about everything I'll be exposing, trying to help all of us...!

For the end, I have some ideas for you, and I hope I can motivate you :)

As I always say, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH !! Don't believe anything. Not even me now.. Google everything you don't know, and the answers are in front of you in seconds. Cross-check the info in different sources!!

I hope you find this article useful, and thank you for visiting :)

Incase you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly, or leave your comment bellow. I'm always happy to help!! Before closing, I feel the need to share with you a bad experience I had in Facebook.

Everything you need to know about Carmine & Chitin, how to spot "bugs" in foods, and avoid them!! Thomais de Fois

I realised very soon that many people needed to be informed about this topic, as, in only 2 days, 38.000 individuals read it, and shared it, massively!!

As soon as it was spread, the good "facebook police" decided to characterise it as spam, and took it down, not only from my shares on my profile, page, and group, but also from everywhere people shared it !!

And that was not enough... they took down every post, the cooking recipes, the candles, the incense... and every post about my live shows.

I don't trust the facebook policies any more, and this is the reason why I kindly ask you to contact me here, and not on fb comments, messages etc.

Besides, since they can ban anything they want (because they love us, and care for our health), and restrict any account they don't want to be heard, please stay connected here with a simple subscription, because I will not stop researching & trying to keep helping, writing about health.

Thank you all for your understanding, participation, and support!!!

If you want to share this asrticle on facebook, messenger & instagram (same company) for safety reasons, use this link (PDF file), or my YouTube spot.

Subscribe for more.

*my site is used and directed only by me. No one has access to your email, and no one collects visitor information from me. These are my principles!

Loads of love,

Thomais de Fois

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