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Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!

Writer's picture: ThomaisThomais

Updated: Jun 15, 2024

Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

  An extremely versatile, quick & delicious, Detox, Vegan meal, a boost to our immune system, light & healthy, Keto friendly, low in calories-high in protein, packed with all the essential nutrients needed daily for a balanced diet! Homemade & delicious :) Recipe, properties & Tips!


 Let’s see how precious our soup will be, according to the nutrients it contains.


  • Beneficial Phytochemicals, Antioxidants, Immunity Boosters: Quercetin, Anthocyanins, Lycopene, Beta-carotene, Hesperidin, D-Limonene, Citric Acid (to help us absorb the Iron), Oleic Acid, Flavonoids, Sulfur compounds, Apigenin, Luteolin, Carotenoids, Anthocyanins, Ferulic acid, Rosmarinic acid, Carnosic acid, Curcumin (especially for Arthritis), Piperine (to help absorb Curcumin), Allicin, Gingerol, Shogaol, Zingerone, Glucosinolates, Sulforaphane.


  • Beneficial Fats (for our liver and brain health, our hormonal balance, healthy cholesterol):  Ω3 (Alpha-Linoleic Acid),Ω6, Ω9, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (Linoleic Acid) Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (Oleic Acid).


  • Vitamins: C, K, A, E, B1(Thiamine), B3(Niacin), B5(Pantothenic Acid ), B6(Pyridoxine), B9(Folate).


  • Minerals (for our bone health we don’t need just Calcium!!!): Potassium, Manganese, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Selenium, Sodium(needed for the cells to absorb water), Zinc, Copper, Phosphorus, Molybdenum.


  • Loads of beneficial Dietary Fibre (plant fibres): Soluble & insoluble, to keep us full for long, to move waste through our bowels, and clear away mucus from meat & dairy consumption that prevents us from absorbing the essential nutrients. *Yes, we feed from our bowels.


  • All the essential Amino-acids that our body needs to create protein (no, protein is not meat): Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine.


  • Chlorophyll: Anti-inflammatory, Enhances skin health, Boost immune system, has Deodorant properties (reduces body odours), reduces hunger (weight control), improves digestion & gut health, has anti-cancer properties!

Let’s go straight to the recipe.

We wash very well and strain 2 large carrots, I tomato, 2 pieces of cauliflower, 3-4- Spring onions, 1 bunch of celery, 1 potato (I provide alternatives for the potato below, with the tips, if you’re on a no carbs diet).

Vegetables-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Crash 3-4 cloves of garlic with the side of our knife, and then we chop them. This will activate the allicin, which is extremely therapeutic for arthritis, diabetes & cardiovascular health, boosting immunity!

Garlic-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Finely chop a piece of ginger  (thumb-sized would be good, you can always adjust the size to your liking)

*Here, I’m slicing much ginger, in order to thread & dry it at home. I’ll show you the process in an article soon, suitable for all herbs & spices ;)

Ginger-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Peel, wash, and cut one onion, as finely, as you like. Heat the tiniest amount of olive oil and soften our onion, for 3-4 minutes. Skipping the oil at this point is even healthier. It’s only used to alter the aroma of our food. We’ll add raw oil, as always, after serving.

Onion-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Chop the carrots & potato, and add them to the pot.

Carrot-Potato-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Same with the celery...

Celery-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

and the spring onions (you can keep some green parts for garnishing)

Spring Onions-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Mix, and fill the pot with enough filtered water to cover them. Don’t they look beautiful..? :)

Vegetables-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

  At this point, we will add the seeds of our choice, that will provide the most dietary fibres, and the amino-acid “Lysine” making the dish a complete “protein”, more nutritious and filling. You can use: whole-grain rice, green peas (whole, or the seeds), chickpeas, buckwheat, any kind of beans, any kind of lentils, any kind of quinoa. If you add chickpeas or beans, you will need to boil them first, as they require more time to soften compared to the other seeds and the vegetables. Therefore, choosing a smaller seed saves time & energy.

*We always soak our seeds for 24 hours!! Read here why, and how to do it properly.

Legumes-Rice-Greenpeas-Buckwheat-Quinoa-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Now add Himalayan salt (to taste)which provides plenty of minerals (especially iron), or unrefined sea salt.

Himalayan salt-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

2 teaspoons of turmeric powder. (You can use fresh, as we did with the ginger).

Turmeric-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

2 teaspoons rosemary (I had dried rosemary, this is why I add it now, as it takes some time to soften). If you have fresh, add it with the other herbs that you’ll see below. Fresh is much better!!).

Rosemary-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Freshly cracked black pepper (to taste).

Black pepper-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Add only a bit of freshly squished lemon juice now, as we will add it at the end, to not ruin its properties with heat.

Lemon-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Close the lid, bring to a boil, and immediately turn the heat to low, and let the soup shimmer for about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, chop the cauliflower, zucchini, and dice the tomato. Since they take less time to soften, we will add them only after checking that the rest of our ingredients are almost done.

Cauliflower-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois
Zucchini-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois
Tomato-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Now that the other ingredients are almost done, you can add the zucchini & cauliflower, and let them cook for about 7 minutes.

Cauliflower-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois
Zucchini-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

I like my tomatoes diced. You can always pureé them in the food processor.

Tomato-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Give it a taste…Done!!!


  Now remove from the stove, and add 2 teaspoons oregano & 2 teaspoons thyme, and cover.

We always add the at the end for 3 reasons:

1. If cooked for long they become bitter.

2. Much heat and evaporation can cause their volatile essential oils to dissipate.

3. We don’t want to boil them, instead we want to treat them like a therapeutic tea!

Vegetables-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois

Now, serve, let the soup cool down a bit, add some freshly squeezed lemon juice, and some raw, extra virgin olive oil, and enjoy!!! J

 *We first cool it down to not ruin the vitamin C and the oil’s beneficial components.

Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois


  • If you’re not an experienced cook, which is OK (!!!) you can try your food regularly while cooking it, and everything will be fine  Don’t let thing like this prevent you from treating you & your beloved ones with a healthy meal. You’ll be an expert in no time if you try. Mistakes are also OK!!  Next time you’ll be perfect! :)

  • For the seed addition, I don’t recommend soy & corn (and their by-products, of course). Soy is responsible for many allergies and hormonal imbalances! Corn is very poor in nutrients. These both are GMO (genetically modified) nowadays, and it’s very difficult to find traditional seeds. GMO foods severely affect human health! Subscribe, I’ll write a study on GMO soon.

Soy-Corn-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois
  • If you are diabetic, or follow a no-carbohydrates diet, just exclude the potato & don’t add rice. This will not affect the soup’s flavour. I never consume carbs, as they disrupt our liver’s function, something that causes hormonal imbalances, but potato is a complex carb (it’s released slower in our system), so it’s OK to have it once in a while. Sweet potato is OK, but it will add sweetness.

  • This recipe it’s absolutely safe for babies! You can easily blend the soup, after it’s cooled down a bit, for them, or for yourself, if you enjoy velouté soups. I have a lovely one here!, and one more here!

  • To increase the soup’s vitamin D content, at the end of cooking, you can add thin slices of raw button mushrooms that you first expose to sunlight for half an hour. This trick increases their vitamin D content, and they're delicious this way!! :)

Mushrooms-Easy & Quick Detox-Vegan Soup, with complete protein, vegetables, therapeutic herbs & spices!!-Thomais de Fois
  • If you wish to thicken up your soup, blend 1-2 cups of it for a few seconds (after it’s cooled down a little), and then return it to the pot. Always start blending warm things in low speed and gradually increase, to avoid “explosion”.

  • Some think that the spices, such black pepper, ginger, cayenne pepper, etc. are irritating to the stomach. On the contrary, especially cayenne & ginger are used to heal & protect our stomach from even e-coli bacteria that cause ulcers. They’re also blood stimulants, protecting the cardiovascular system. Just control the amount you use, especially if you’ll be serving babies.

  • I always cook large quantities and freeze in serving-sized containers. It saves me time and energy. Go for it J Just choose the containers carefully. I have a guide for you here.

Toxic coockware-Thomais de Fois
  • Feel free to experiment in your kitchen, and even involve your children in this kind of creativity. Explain to them the beneficial properties of the ingredients you use, so that they will develop the mind-set to make wise choices regarding their health in daily life. You’ll have fun together spending some quality time with them, away from “toxic” distractions.

  • Always create with love. Everything is energy, and love is the greater healer :)


Since you are still reading my health advice, I believe that you’re interested in improving your daily choices, so I strongly recommend you read this research I wrote on all the factors that cause the so-called “autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, numerous cancers, cardiovascular problems, allergies, skin conditions & more!

 all the factors that cause the so-called “autoimmune diseases - Thomais de Fois

Let me know how your beautiful soup turns out when you prepare it :)


   If you'd like us to manage together any health issue, you can fill out the Medical History & Health Condition Form, I will review it and get back to you ASAP.

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Thank you very much for visiting, and thank you all for your supportive messages! They give me strength to continue exposing the dangerous industry that makes money from our sickness.


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Thanks again, take care of yourselves, and your beloved ones!

Loads of love,


Natural Scincare & Holistic Holistic Therapy -Thomais de Fois



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Thomais de Fois.

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