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How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity!

Writer's picture: ThomaisThomais

Updated: Aug 1, 2024

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity!-Thomais de Fois

Let’s have some fun in our kitchen, using science to benefit our health!

Read the information, and you will watch the processing video at the end of the article.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

We are about to prepare a quintessential probiotic sauce, which preserves all the vitamins from our ingredients, the enzymes, the flavours, the taste, protects our immune system,

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

speeds up our metabolism, helps with weight loss, helps to lower cholesterol, it's beneficial for diabetes, enhances the production of endorphins, which are the hormones of joy and improve our mood (especially now that depression affects a huge percentage of the population), and helps to balance our hormones, helps with skin conditions (our skin is a large gland, and rejects toxins from our body), and diabetes!

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Before we get to the preparation of the sauce, it is important to understand the benefits of the probiotics.

I'm sure you've heard your doctor recommend consuming yogurt when using antibiotics to treat a condition. Yogurt contains probiotics.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

The bad thing in this case is that the probiotics in yogurt are accompanied by antibiotics, and added hormones, which are passed on to the milk of the farmed animal,

because the legislation requires the use of antibiotics by any producer who targets consumers.

(look up Codex Alimentarius).

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Antibiotics not only kill the bacteria or viruses that have infected us, but also the beneficial bacteria in the body (microbial gut flora), which make up our immune system. So instead of boosting our immune system, we put more strain on it.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Another serious problem that results from the killing of beneficial bacteria in our body is the lack of vitamin B12, which is a common phenomenon.

Unfortunately, there is considerable misinformation about B12, and a lot of myths!

One of the most widespread (and dangerous) one is that B12 is contained in animal foods, and that our bodies absorb it by eating them.

The reality is that vitamin B12 is produced in our bodies by beneficial gut bacteria, during the metabolism of plant foods. Therefore, as we destroy our immune bacteria, the production of this vitamin is reduced.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Finally, given that we feed from the gut and not from the mouth, or the stomach... as long as we consume animal fibres, which are not properly metabolized by the human metabolic system, as it has a very long intestine (8-13 meters), unlike carnivores (3 meters), and a slow metabolism compared to carnivores, resulting in the formation of mucus in the intestinal walls, which prevents the uptake of beneficial nutrients, and is also responsible for autoimmune diseases and inflammation.

Let's not forget that since the times of Hippocrates and Dioscurides, this has been known to science.

"We are what we eat"

"All disease starts in the gut"

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Now let's dont forget the insects!!! Especially in red coloured foods!

I made a very important research about Carmine and Chitin...and the diseases, allergies and Cancer they can cause!!! They put them everywhere!!!

Of course, modern medicine focuses on treating the symptoms, not the problem, so modern man suffers in large numbers from autoimmune diseases, such as cancer, allergies, skin problems resulting from toxin elimination (the skin is a gland, and eliminates toxins from the body), obesity, hormonal imbalances, psychological disorders and much more!

Read my research on the so-called "Autoimmune" diseases and all the "unexplained" health problems!

AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES…EVERYTHING WE NEED TO KNOW..!! Hormonal Imbalances, PMS, Prostate, Skin conditions, Arthritis, Infertility…Causes & Treatments-Thomais de Fois

Medicine suggests probiotics in cases of dysentery, lactose intolerance, indigestion etc, they have no side effects, and are safe to be taken by children, and pregnant women.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Probiotics (safe, without antibiotics) can be found in foods such as kefir (water), kombucha, rejuvelac, fermented-unpasteurised beverages such as beer and wine.

I write "unpasteurized" because heat treatment like boiling and cooking, above 50 degrees Celsius destroys probiotic bacteria, most vitamins, and the food's enzymes. So, in order to get the benefits of probiotics, we don't cook them!

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Lastly, this is an easy and effective way to store and preserve our vegetables, when we have large quantities of them. It’s up to your taste and preference which vegetables and ingredients combinations you will make. The sauce can be safely store in the freezer for more than a year.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois
How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

So let's see how we can protect our bodies and boost our immune system in a fun, tasty and easy way.

The first thing we have to be careful about is cleanliness. The surface we use, our hands and all utensils must be absolutely clean, and our vegetables must be washed and drained, so that we do not introduce unwanted bacteria into our preparation. Surfaces, hands and utensils can be disinfected with boiling water or alcohol.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

What we're going to do is cut our ingredients into large pieces and immerse them in brine. This process will cause fermentation, which will cultivate probiotic bacteria, like lactobacillus. The bacteria will then metabolize the sugars in the ingredients to feed on them. As a result, we will have carbon dioxide bubbles, which result from this metabolism, and then, while we started out in an alkaline environment (salty), we will end up in an acidic environment, naturally, and achieve a great flavour!

The bacteria that we've grown, and the acidic effect, not only act therapeutically, but also as a preservative of the sauce, as they don't allow other bacteria or mould to enter the environment of our container.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

The second important factor is the quality of our ingredients. We cannot use materials that have been treated with pesticides, because they act like antibiotics, and will prevent the creation of probiotic bacteria. So it’s better to choose organic vegetables, and avoid GMO!

*I'll write a special article about how GMO foods affect our DNA.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

The third and final important factor is the quality of the water and salt we use. Table salt is unsuitable. It is laboratory-made, contains chlorine, and will not allow the cultivation of probiotic bacteria. So is iodized salt. We'll choose natural salts, like sea salt or Himalayan mineral salt, which contains a lot of iron, hence its pink colour. Both give good results.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois
How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Our water can never be tap water! The chlorine it contains to destroy bacteria... destroys our own immune system (microbial flora), and the bacteria we want to cultivate. At the same time, the residues of the tubes will pass into our preparation and into our body. Bottled water is clearly better, it contains no chlorine, but the plastic packaging, the stagnation, and the poor storage conditions, raise doubts whether it can be trusted. The safest way is filtered water. Personally, I boil the filter water, add the salt to dissolve it more easily, and let it cool down to room temperature before using it.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois
How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

Our brine will have a 3% salt content. So if we use 1 litre of water, we will add 30 grams of salt. We will calculate the ml of water we'll need, and multiply that by 0.03.

For example, in 2 litres of water (2.000ml), it will be: 2000 x 0.03 = 60 grams of salt.

I always make large quantities of sauce because it can last for months, safely!

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

After we have taken care of the cleanliness, and washed our vegetables, we cut them into large pieces, and in a tulle bag, or a thin clean cloth, we enclose the spices we want to use, e.g. whole peppers, coriander seeds, rosemary, thyme, oregano, marjoram, or whatever you prefer, and put them in the container first. Next come the small ingredients, garlic, cherry tomatoes, onions etc. so that with the larger pieces you can keep them all submerged in the brine, and they won't rot or spoil.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

In about 3 days (depending on the room temperature) we will notice our water becoming cloudy and slowly the first carbon dioxide bubbles of the fermentation will appear. This is the normal and desired effect. In the meantime, we will daily open the lid of the container, to allow the carbon dioxide to escape. We'll let the fermentation continue for a week.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

After one week has passed, we can mash our sauce, in the clean blender (or whatever we have on hand), and return it either to the same container, or to smaller jars.

We'll add as much of the brine as needed to get the consistency we want.

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

We store the rest of the brine in the fridge, either to flavour our other recipes, or to start the next fermentation, which will speed it up, as it already contains probiotic bacteria!

We'll leave the sauce for another week to ferment, and develop its flavours and aromas, and then we can store it in the fridge. The fermentation of the sauce won't stop in the fridge, but it will slow down considerably. So it's good to check the lids to let the fermentation gas escape, as we did in the beginning of the preparation, so you don't have an explosion of salsa on your walls :D

How to make the most Delicious & Versatile Probiotic Sauce to boost immunity! Thomais de Fois

INGREDIENTS: Use whatever you like, and in whatever proportion you prefer, with the important use of ginger, and peppers, which promote the cultivation of lactobacillus, since it exists in their stem.

Watch the process

  • Note: Although I do not consume animal products, I choose to use bees products for important reasons, which concern the rescue of the bees, but also our health !!

  • Note2: We don't discard the remaining liquid!! Besided the uses I've already mentioned, we will use it to make our healthy sourdough bread and vegan cheses!!

With my research I hope I will help you make the best choices for you and your beloved ones!

In case you need more directions, or have any questions, feel free to contact me directly, or leave your comment bellow. I'm always happy to help!!

*my site is used and directed only by me. No one has access to your email, and no one collects visitor information from me. These are my principles!

Of course, Facebook does not allow us to post directly from my site (they care a lot about our health – not), but you can share my article with this link - PDF file, or my YouTube spot.

Thank you all for your support, and your most amazing encouraging messages!!!! I’m so touched!!

And remember, to always create with love! Everything is charged by our energy...and love is the best therapy...!


Thomais de Fois

The article has an informative purpose, and results from long-term research and studies.

In any case, you can consult your doctor.

You may republish the entire article, not part of it, and without crediting the source.

All rights reserved © Thomais de Fois 2023

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