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thomais de fois & stavros karidas live at domahar rock bar, athens
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Thomais de Fois and Stavros Karidas, a dynamic duo with 15 years of collaboration, will be joining us for a Power Acoustic Live performance on Friday, 21st February, in the evening, at Domahar, Athens.
Thomais (vocals, electric guitar, percussion) and Stavros (vocals, acoustic guitar, harmonica) will play alternative and progressive rock music, as well as tracks from Thomais's discography.
We look forward to seeing you there!!

Start time: After 21:30
Entrance Fee: €3 with the first drink.

Domahar: Eratosthenous 31, 11635, Athens.

Reservations Tel: 2105761343

thomais de fois & stavros karidas live at ball and chain, athens

Thomais de Fois and Stavros Karidas, a dynamic duo with 15 years of collaboration, will be joining us for a Power Acoustic Live performance on Friday, 7th March, in the evening at Ball and Chain!
Thomais (vocals, electric guitar, percussion) and Stavros (vocals, acoustic guitar, harmonica) will perform alternative rock music, as well as tracks from Thomais's discography.
We look forward to seeing you there!!
Show Starts: 22:30
Syrou 32, 113 61, Athens.
Reservations: +30 2114080960
A charge of +€3 for the first drink.

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Thomais de Fois.

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